The 'bloc' table

General table information


The bitmap location table(tag name: 'bloc') provides information about the availability of bitmaps at requested point sizes. If a bitmap is included in the font, it also tells where the data is located in the bitmap data table. The bitmap location and bitmap data tables support various formats.

While the format theoretically permits some features like sparse glyph sets, implementations may not support these features. It's usually best to check with the software provider to see how much of this (or, indeed, any) table is supported.

Bitmap Location Table Format

The overall structure of the bitmap location table is shown in the following figure:

The header for the bitmap location table is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
fixed version Version number of the bitmap location table (0x00020000 for the initial version).
uint32 numSizes The number of bitmapSizeTables in this table.
variable bitmapSizeTable[numSizes] Subtables describing the general characteristics of the bitmapped glyphs in this font. Also contains the indexSubTableArrayOffset.

Each bitmapSizeTable subtable provides information about the global characteristics of a particular set of bitmaps.

Note: The sizes must be sorted in ascending order.

The format for the bitmapSizeTable (which refers to the indexSubTableArray, which in turn refers to an indexSubTable) is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
uint32 indexSubTableArrayOffset Offset to corresponding index subtable array from the beginning of the 'bloc'.
uint32 indexTableSize Length of corresponding index subtables and array
uint32 numberOfIndexSubTables Number of index subtables (there is one for each range or format change).
uint32 colorRef Set to 0, ignore for now.
sbitLineMetrics hori Horizontal line metrics.
sbitLineMetrics vert Vertical line metrics.
uint16 startGlyphIndex Lowest glyph index for this size.
uint16 endGlyphIndex Highest glyph index for this size.
uint8 ppemX Target horizontal ppem.
uint8 ppemY Target vertical ppem.
uint8 bitDepth Bit depth of the strike.
uint8 flags See table below; first two bits are for orientation, vertical or horizontal.

The indexSubTableArrayOffset is the offset from the beginning of the 'bloc' table to the indexSubTableArray. Each strike has one of these arrays to support various formats and discontiguous ranges of bitmaps. This array is described in more detail below.

The indexTableSize is the total number of bytes in the index subtable array and the associated index tables.

The numberOfIndexSubTables is a count of the index tables for this strike.

The colorRef is put in for future enhancements that are not currently supported by the TrueType scaler, but these fields are already in use by other platforms (e.g. Newton), and are defined as follows.

To recap, the bitDepth is what it says, the depth of this strike. This is useful for greyscale or color fonts. To maintain compatibility with scalers that will read sbit data, the following table shows how the colorRef and bitDepth values are used:

bitDepth colorRef Meaning
1 0 Standard 1-bit font.
n 0 Multi-bit black and white font.
n m Color, grayscale, anti-aliased, etc.

The horizontal and vertical line metrics follow. These contain the ascender, descender and maximum pixel width information. Additionally, the caret information used by Quickdraw GX Line Layout is included. The slope is used to determine the angle at which the caret is to be drawn and the offset is how many pixels (plus or minus) to move the caret. This is a signed char value (and not a fixed) since we are dealing with integer metrics. The minOriginSB, minAdvanceSB, maxBeforeBL, and minAfterBL values are described below. These values are primarily used by scalers that may need to pre-allocate memory and/or need more metric information to position glyphs. These numbers are not used by the sbit scaler on the Macintosh, but may be used on other platforms, such as Newton.

The global metric information about the strike is kept in a sbitLineMetrics record, one for the horizontal metrics and one for the vertical. The format of the sbitLineMetrics record is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
int8 ascender This is the spacing of the line before the baseline.
int8 descender This is the spacing of the line after the baseline.
uint8 widthMax Maximum pixel width of glyphs in strike. (Not used by Quickdraw GX, may be used by other platforms.)
int8 caretSlopeNumerator Rise of the caret slope, typically set to 1 for non-italic fonts.
int8 caretSlopeDenominator Run of the caret slope, typically set to 0 for non-italic fonts.
int8 caretOffset Offset in pixels to move the caret for proper positioning.
int8 minOriginSB Minimum of horiBearingX (or vertBearingY for a vertical font).
int8 minAdvanceSB Minimum of horiAdvance - horiBearingX + width (or vertAdvance - vertBearingY + height for a vertical font). (Not used by Quickdraw GX, may be used by other platforms)
int8 maxBeforeBL Maximum of horiBearingY (or vertBearingY for a vertical font). (Not used by Quickdraw GX, may be used by other platforms)
int8 minAfterBL Minimum of horiBearingY - height (or vertBearingX - width for a vertical font). (Not used by Quickdraw GX, may be used by other platforms)
int16 pad Padding to make long aligned.

An example of the minOriginSB, minAdvanceSB, maxBeforeBL, and minAfterBL values for horizontal text is given in the following figure. These values are calculated from the min and max values of the glyph metrics, which come from the bitmap data table.

The same fields used in vertical text are shown in Figure 20-3.

Most of the formats have metric information in either bigGlyphMetrics or smallGlyphMetrics. The big metrics contain both horizontal and vertical metrics whereas the small metrics only hold metrics for one direction. The bitmapSizeTable.flag field indicates if the small metrics are horizontal or vertical for a given strike (see the following table for the flag values). The scaler makes up fake metrics for the orientation that is not included.

Mask Name Meaning
0x01 flgHorizontal Small metrics are horizontal for the given strike.
0x02 flgVertical Small metrics are vertical for the given strike.

The index subtable array contains the glyph ranges and offsets to indexes within this table. After determining the strike to use the scaler goes to this array to search for the index that contains the glyph number. When the index is found it will be an offset to an index subtable. The index subtable array is located via the indexSubTableArrayOffset in the corresponding bitmapSizeTable. The first indexSubTableArray is after the last bitmapSizeTable entry. Then the index subtables for the strike follow. The next indexSubTableArray (if more than one strike exists) and its index subtables are next. Each of the indexes must start on a long boundary; when using format 3, sometimes an extra uint16 is needed in the offset array for padding. This table then continues with this array and indexes for each strike.

The format of the indexSubTableArray is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
uint16 firstGlyphIndex Index of first glyph in this range.
uint16 lastGlyphIndex Index of last glyph in this range.
uint32 additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable Used to reach the indexSubTable; add to indexSubTableArrayOffset to get the offset from the beginning of the 'bloc' table.

Finally we get to the index subtable. Currently there are two formats of indexes: one for proportional data and one for monospaced data. Whether the data is fixed size or variable size determines which index to use. Note: the format of the 'bdat' data can be in any format. It is not determined by the index format. The index tells us where the information for a particular glyph starts in the 'bdat' and how large the data is. The size of the data for the glyph is the difference of offsetArray[glyphIndex+1] - offsetArray[glyphIndex]. The format 1 index subtable is the proportional format index. This will be used for most roman fonts and the first 200 or so glyphs in large Chinese, Japanese or Korean fonts. The imageFormat tells us what kind of data is in the bitmap data table.

Each index subtable provides information about the location of the actual bitmap data for each glyph in the font. The indexSubTables that actually contain the location of the glyph data in the 'bdat' table come in three formats. Format 1 is for proportionally spaced glyphs. Format 2 is for mono-spaced glyphs. Format 3 is also for proporionally spaced glyphs but uses an array of uint16 instead of uint32 and is thus a compressed form of format one. Each of the indexSubTables have an indexSubHeader. The format of the index subheader is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
uint16 indexFormat Format number (1 is proportional with 4-byte offset deltas, 2 is monospaced, and 3 is proportional with 2-byte offset deltas).
uint16 imageFormat Code for the kind of image data. See the description of the 'bdat' table for the interpretation of this value.
uint32 imageDataOffset Offset to the base of the image data for this index subtable.

In format 1 and format 3, data are stored contiguously so that the length of the data for any glyph is given by subtracting the location for the glyph from the location of the next glyph. If the length is zero, then no bitmap is available for that glyph in that bitmap set. The Format 1 bitmap index subtable is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
indexSubHeader header Header info as described above.
uint32 offsetArray[] offsetArray[glyphIndex] + imageDataOffset = start of the bitmap data for the glyph.

The format 3 index subtable is also a proportional format index. It is just like format 1 except the offsets are shorts instead of longs.

The Format 3 bitmap index subtable is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
indexSubHeader header Header info as described above.
uint16 offsetArray[] offsetArray[glyphIndex] + imageDataOffset = start of the bitmap data for the glyph.

For monospaced fonts the metrics are the same and only the bitmap changes. For those we use format 2 index subtables. The metrics are not in the bitmap data table, but rather are here in the subTable. Only the actual bitmap data is put in the bitmap data table for these glyphs. The data can be in various formats; byte aligned, bit aligned, compressed, etc. The size of all the bitmap data needed to be read in from the bitmap data table is the imageSize. The imageDataOffset is the offset into the bitmap data table for the first of this range of glyphs. The rest of the glyphs can easily be found by multiplying the imageSize by the difference (theDesiredGlyphIndex - firstGlyphIndexInThisRange), and then adding the result to the imageDataOffset in the header of the index header.

The Format 2 bitmap index subtable is shown in the following table:

Type Name Description
indexSubHeader header Header info as described above.
uint32 imageSize All the glyphs are of the same size. May be compressed, bit-aligned, or byte-aligned.
bigGlyphMetrics bigMetrics All the glyphs share the same metrics.

The metric information for index type 2 glyphs is of type bigGlyphMetrics, which is documented in the bitmap data table documentation.

Mac OS-specific information

Embedded bitmaps intended for use with Mac OS 8.5 and earlier versions of the Mac OS must contain one bitmap glyphs for every glyphs in the font. Sparse bitmaps are not allowed on the Mac OS.

The fields minOriginSB, minAdvanceSB, maxBeforeBL, and minAfterBL in the sbitLineMetrics records are not used on the Mac OS.

Newton-specific information

As Newton fonts are bitmap only, it goes without saying that embedded bitmaps intended for use with the Newton OS must contain one bitmap glyphs for every glyphs in the font. Sparse bitmaps are not allowed on the Newton OS.

The fields minOriginSB, and minAdvanceSB in the sbitLineMetrics records are not used on the Newton OS. The fields maxBeforeBL, and minAfterBL are, however, used and cannot be set to 0. As a rule of thumb, however, they may be set to the record's ascender and descender values, respectively.


A 'bloc' table is, naturally, inextricably connected with the font's 'bdat' (bitmap data) table. If one is present, the other must be, too, and a change to one will almost inevitably trigger a change in the other.

As a rule, most font editing tools will probably find it more convenient to read and write the two tables simultaneously rather than treat them separately.

The number of glyphs in the embedded bitmaps as indicated for the font's individual point sizes must be equal to the number of glyphs in the font as contained in the 'maxp' (maximum profile) table.

Fonts with bitmaps may require external fbit ("marukan") files to work properly on East Asian systems. Fbit files can be generated with TrueEdit.


It is possible to view the bitmaps and other data contained in a TrueType font with TrueEdit. The bitmaps themselves, however, cannot be edited, although the metric and other information contained in a 'bloc' table can be edited.

Actual editing of the bitmap glyphs in a TrueType font and their associated metrics is possible with Sbit Editor.

Change Log

29 September 1998
Updated to clarify some undocumented requirements of the Mac OS and Newton OS.
30 September 1996
Switched to use the <TABLE> tag.
20 March 1996
Lots of corrections.
30 April 1995
Initial conversion to HTML format.

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