The 'hsty' table

General table information

The 'hsty' table provides information about how to synthesize styles such as boldfacing and italics on the Newton OS. It is used to mimic the way in which PostScript will modify fonts when the requested style is not directly available.

The table simply consists of ten fields, most of which are equivalent to fields in a font with a 'FOND' resource on the Mac OS:

Type Name Description
Fixed version Version number of the table (0x00010000 for the initial version).
SInt16 extraPlain Extra space required when the font is not styled. Should be 0.
SInt16 extraBold Extra space required when the font is boldfaced.
SInt16 extraItalic Extra space required when the font is italicized.
SInt16 extraUnderline Extra space required when the font is underlined.
SInt16 extraOutline Extra space required when the font is outlined.
SInt16 extraShadow Extra space required when the font is shadowed.
SInt16 extraCondensed Extra space required when the font is condensed.
SInt16 extraExtended Extra space required when the font is extended.
SInt16 extraUnused Not used; set to 0.

The simplest way to generate this structure is to copy the values directly from the 'FOND', except that they must be scaled along the way into the same units as used by the horizontal metrics table.

Mac OS-specific information

This table is not used on the Mac OS.

Newton-specific information

This font is optional on the Newton OS. It is only required by Newton "width" fonts, which provide high-accuracy printing when using a font installed on a PostScript printer.


If a font has both an 'hsty' table in its TrueType data and a 'FOND' resource, then the values in the 'hsty' should be equal to the corresponding values in the 'FOND's style properties data scaled by the same units used in the horizontal metrics table. See Inside Macintosh: Text, p. 4-93 for information on a 'FOND' resource's style properties fields.


No tools are currently configured to edit the 'hsty' table. Hexadecimal edits are possible using TrueEdit.

Change Log

23 September 1998
Created document.

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