The 'prop' table

General table information


The glyph properties table(tag name: 'prop') allows you to create Apple Advanced Typography (AAT) fonts with different properties associated with each glyph. Properties that are currently supported are the following:

All Unicode characters possess directionality. Characters that have left-to-right and right-to-left directionality are called strong types. Characters of strong types are called strong directional characters. The directional types associated with numbers are called weak types. The characters of those types are called weak directional characters. A neutral charactercan be written either right-to-left or left-to-right, depending upon the context of the line.

See The Unicode Standard: Worldwide Character Encoding for additional information concerning properties and directionality.

Glyph Properties Table Format

The glyph properties table consists of a glyph properties table header and a glyph properties lookup table. The overall structure of the glyph properties table is shown in the following figure:

There have been three versions of the glyph properties table since its inception. The versions are summarized in the following table:

Version Description
1.0 Initial version, supporting floaters, hanging punctuation, symmetric swapping, and 12 basic Unicode directional properties.
2.0 Released with MacOS system 8.5, this version adds support for the "attaches on right" bit.
3.0 Scheduled for release with the next version of the MacOS, this version adds support for the additional directional properties to be defined in Unicode 3.0.

The format of the glyph properties table is as follows:

Type Name Description
fixed32 version Version number of the glyph properties table. See table above for what each version means.
uint16 format Format of the glyph properties table, set to 0 if no lookup data is present; set to 1 if lookup data is present.
uint16 default properties Default properties applied to a glyph if that glyph is not present in the lookup table.
variable lookup data Lookup table associating glyphs with their properties. See below for details on how to interpret the lookup values.

A lookup table is used to find the 16-bit property value associated with the particular glyph. This is how to interpret the lookup for each of the 5 lookup table formats:

Lookup table format Interpretation
0 Array of 16-bit property values, one for each glyph in the font.
2 The value of each lookupSegment is a 16-bit property value for all of the glyphs in that segment.
4 The value of each lookupSegment is a 16-bit offset from the start of the lookup table to an array of 16-bit property values, one for each glyph in the segment.
6 The value of each lookupSingle is the 16-bit property value for that glyph.
8 The valueArray is an array of 16-bit property values, one for each glyph in the trimmed array.

A single glyph property is 16 bits long. Glyph property bit masks and their descriptions are shown in the following table:

Mask Interpretation
0x8000 This glyph is a floater (for example a floating accent or vowel mark). NOTE: It is very important that this bit only be set for glyphs that have a zero advance width.
0x4000 This glyph can hang off the left edge of a horizontal line or the top edge of a vertical line.
0x2000 This glyph can hang off the right edge of a horizontal line or the bottom edge of a vertical line.
0x1000 If this property bit is on, and the glyph ends up in a right-to- left directional grouping, then the complementary bracketing glyph should be substituted for this glyph.
0x0F00 These four bits give the offset to the complementary bracketing glyph (or zero if this glyph has no such complementary bracketing glyph).
0x0080 This glyph always attaches to the glyph appearing physically to the right of it. Note that this bit was added in version 2.0; it is invalid to set it in a version 1.0 glyph properties table.
0x0060 These two bits must be set to zero. This mask is reserved for future properties.
0x001F These five bits contain the glyph's directionality class. Note that in versions of Unicode prior to 3.0, only four of these bits are actually used.

The Unicode reordering algorithm treats characters such as '(' and ')' as open and closed parentheses, rather than as left and right parentheses. This means that the glyphs used to render these bracketing characters will depend upon the final resolved direction of the text, as shown in the following table:

Directionality Open/Closed Bracketing Glyphs
left-to-right Open (, [, {
left-to-right Closed ), ], }
right-to-left Open ), ], }
right-to-left Closed (, [, {

In order to accommodate the bi-directionality of bracketing glyphs, the 'cmap' table should always change bracketing characters in glyphs corresponding to their 'natural' direction. Therefore, when one of the two brackets is used, the complementary glyph must be identified to the AAT rendering system. This is accomplished by the use of the 0x1F00 bits. If the glyph is a bracketing glyph, then 0x0F00 bits are treated as a 4-bit signed offset to the glyph index of the corresponding glyph. The 0x1000 bit is used to determine whether the glyph at that specified offset is a right-to-left or left-to-right version of the glyph.

For example, in a Roman font, the order of parenthesis glyphs is usually '(' followed by ')'. The glyph index may be 11 for the '(' glyph and 12 for the ')' glyph. The property masks, 0x1F00, for the '(' glyph would then be 0x1100 for the ')' glyph and 0x1F00 for the ')' glyph. The 0x1100 mask for glyph index="11" indicates that the corresponding glyph is right-to-left and the glyph index offset is +1, glyph index="11" + 1="12." The 0x1F00 mask indicates that the corresponding glyph is also right-to-left and the glyph index offset to it is -1, glyph index="12" - 1="11."

If there are one or more glyphs between the '(' and the ')' in the glyph index, then the this information is conveyed through the mask values. For example, if the glyph indexes were 11 and 13 for the respective parentheses glyphs, property mask 0x1F00 for the '(' glyph would be 0x1200 for the ')' glyph and 0x1E00 for the ')' glyph. The 0x1200 mask indicates that the corresponding glyph is also right-to-left and the glyph index offset is +2, glyph index="11" + 2="13." The 0x1E00 mask indicates that the corresponding glyph is also right-to-left and the glyph index offset to it is -2, glyph index="13" - 2="11."

The Apple Advanced Typography system currently supports the following directionality classes:

Type Class
Strong 0 Strong (left-to-right)
Strong 1 Strong (right-to-left, non-Arabic)
Strong 2 Arabic letters (right-to-left)
Weak 3 European number
Weak 4 European number separator
Weak 5 European number terminator
Weak 6 Arabic number
Weak 7 Common number separator
Neutral 8 Block separator
Neutral 9 Segment separator
Neutral 10 Whitespace
Neutral 11 Other neutrals
Neutral 12 through 31 Reserved (some are actually defined in Unicode 3.0)

NOTE: additional properties have been defined in Unicode 3.0. If these properties are used, make sure the version of this table is set to 3.0 or higher!

Any of the lookup table formats can be used. If the glyphs share similar properties, Format 2 may be appropriate. If only a few glyphs differ from the default, Format 6 may be preferred. If the number of segments will be large, Formats 0 or 8 may be selected.

Glyph Properties Table Examples

Example Font with Hebrew and Roman Characters

This example font will contain both Hebrew and Roman characters. Bidirectional features for this font need to be included to accommodate the fact that the Roman glyphs will be left-to-right and Hebrew glyphs will be right-to-left.

The definition of the default property as being either left-to-right or right-to-left is arbitrary. Specifying the directionality class as 0 defines the default properties of this font as strong left-to-right. This will be fine for the Roman glyphs, but we will need to provide a lookup table that defines the Hebrew glyphs as having right-to- left directionality. Specifying the directionality class as 1 for the Hebrew glyphs defines their non-default properties as strong right-to-left (non-Arabic).

Because many of the glyphs in this font share similar properties, we'll use a format 2 single segment lookup table for the non-default glyphs. We will use two segments, each with its own set of properties. The segments will be contiguous ranges of glyph indices in which all glyphs in the segment will have a single lookup value designating the properties of the segment. Glyph properties data for this font is summarized in the following table:

Glyphs Glyph index Directionality
Mask value
Roman 3-149 0 Not required for the default class.
Hebrew 150-225 1 1 (dec), 0x0001, Segment 2
Whitespace 2 10 10 (dec), 0x000A, Segment 1

The glyph properties table for this example font is as follows:

Value Name Comment
0/4 0x00020000 version Version number of the glyph properties table, in fixed-point format. This table is version 2.0, and thus can be used with ATSUI on MacOS system 8.5 or higher.
4/2 1 format Format of the glyph properties table is 1. Lookup data is present.
6/2 0 default properties Default properties are left-to-right directionality and non-whitespace; glyphs cannot hang off either end of a line or be floaters.
(The format 2 lookup table starts here)
8/2 2 format Lookup table format 2 (segment single format).
(The next five fields are the lookup table's BinSrchHeader)
10/2 6 unitSize Size of a LookupSegment: 2 bytes for the starting glyph index, 2 bytes for the ending glyph index, and 2 bytes for the glyph properties value.
12/2 2 nUnits Number of entries of the preceding unitSize to be searched. There are 2 properties to be included in the lookup table.
14/2 12 searchRange The unitSize times the largest power of two that is less than or equal to nUnits.
16/2 1 entrySelector The log base 2 of the largest power of two less than or equal to nUnits.
18/2 0 rangeShift The unitSize times the difference of nUnits minus the largest power of two less than or equal to nUnits.
(The LookupSegment entries start here; the first lookup segment follows)
20/2 2 lastGlyph Glyph index for whitespace. This is the last glyph index in this segment.
22/2 2 firstGlyph Glyph index for whitespace. This is the first glyph index in this segment.
24/2 0x000A value Properties for glyph index 2. Directionality class 10 (whitespace, neutral).
(The second LookupSegment follows)
26/2 225 lastGlyph Ending glyph index for Hebrew glyphs. This is the last glyph index in this segment.
28/2 150 firstGlyph Starting glyph index for Hebrew glyphs. This is the first glyph index in this segment.
30/2 0x0001 value Properties for glyph index 150 through 225 (right-to-left).

Example Font with Roman Characters

This example font contains 98 Roman glyphs, covering the glyphs needed for 7-bit ASCII. The glyph properties data for this example font is as follows:

Segment Glyph index Glyph Props Directionality class
0 3 space 0x000A Whitespace (10)
1 4 ! 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
2 5 " 0x600B Other neutrals (11)
3 6-8 # $ % 0x0005 European number terminator (5)
4 9 & 0x0000 Strong (left-to-right) (0)
5 10 ' 0x600B Other neutrals (11)
6 11 ( 0x110B Other neutrals (11)
7 12 ) 0x1F0B Other neutrals (11)
8 13 * 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
9 14 + 0x0005 European number terminator (5)
10 15 , 0x0007 Common number separator (7)
11 16 ? 0x0005 European number terminator (5)
12 17-18 . / 0x0004 European number separator (4)
13 19-28 0-9 0x0003 European number (3)
14 29 : 0x0007 Common number separator (7)
15 30 ; 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
16 31 < 0x120B Other neutrals (11)
17 32 = 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
18 33 > 0x1E0B Other neutrals (11)
19 34-35 ? @ 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
20 36-61 A-Z 0x0000 Strong (left-to-right) (0)
21 62 [ 0x120B Other neutrals (11)
22 63 \ 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
23 64 ] 0x1E0B Other neutrals (11)
24 65-93 ^ _ ` and a-z 0x0000 Strong (left-to-right) (0)
25 94 { 0x120B Other neutrals (11)
26 95 | 0x000B Other neutrals (11)
27 96 } 0x1E0B Other neutrals (11)
28 97 ~ 0x000B Other neutrals (11)

The glyph properties table for this example font is given in the following table:

Offset/length Value Name Comment
0/4 0x00020000 version Version number of the glyph properties table, in fixed-point format.
4/2 1 format Table format is 1, meaning lookup data is present.
6/2 0 default Default properties are left-to-right directionality and non-whitespace; glyphs cannot hang off either end of a line or be floaters.
(The format 8 lookup table starts here)
8/2 8 format Lookup table format 8 (trimmed array).
10/2 3 firstGlyph First glyph for which we include values in the trimmed array.
12/2 95 glyphCount Number of glyphs in the trimmed array.
(The actual properties follow here, one 16-bit word for each glyph from 3 through 97)
14/2 0x000A valueArray[0] Glyph 3 is whitespace.
16/2 0x000B valueArray[1] Glyph 4 is other neutral.
18/2 0x600B valueArray[2] Glyph 5 is other neutral, and is also a hanging punctuation glyph that can hang from either side.
20/2 0x0005 valueArray[3] Glyph 6 is a European number terminator.
22/2 0x0005 valueArray[4] Glyph 7 is a European number terminator.
24/2 0x0005 valueArray[5] Glyph 8 is a European number terminator.
26/2 0x0000 valueArray[6] Glyph 9 is left-to-right.
28/2 0x600B valueArray[7] Glyph 10 is other neutral, and is also a hanging punctuation glyph that can hang from either side.
30/2 0x110B valueArray[8] Glyph 11 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of +1.
32/2 0x1F0B valueArray[9] Glyph 12 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of -1.
34/2 0x000B valueArray[10] Glyph 13 is other neutral.
36/2 0x0005 valueArray[11] Glyph 14 is a European number terminator.
38/2 0x0007 valueArray[12] Glyph 15 is a Common number terminator.
40/2 0x0005 valueArray[13] Glyph 16 is a European number terminator.
42/2 0x0004 valueArray[14] Glyph 17 is a European number separator.
44/2 0x0004 valueArray[15] Glyph 18 is a European number separator.
46/2 0x0003 valueArray[16] Glyph 19 is a European number.
48/2 0x0003 valueArray[17] Glyph 20 is a European number.
50/2 0x0003 valueArray[18] Glyph 21 is a European number.
52/2 0x0003 valueArray[19] Glyph 22 is a European number.
54/2 0x0003 valueArray[20] Glyph 23 is a European number.
56/2 0x0003 valueArray[21] Glyph 24 is a European number.
58/2 0x0003 valueArray[22] Glyph 25 is a European number.
60/2 0x0003 valueArray[23] Glyph 26 is a European number.
62/2 0x0003 valueArray[24] Glyph 27 is a European number.
64/2 0x0003 valueArray[25] Glyph 28 is a European number.
66/2 0x0007 valueArray[26] Glyph 29 is a Common number terminator.
68/2 0x000B valueArray[27] Glyph 30 is other neutral.
70/2 0x120B valueArray[28] Glyph 31 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of +2.
72/2 0x000B valueArray[29] Glyph 32 is other neutral.
74/2 0x1E0B valueArray[30] Glyph 33 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of -2.
76/2 0x000B valueArray[31] Glyph 34 is other neutral.
78/2 0x000B valueArray[32] Glyph 35 is other neutral.
80/2 0x0000 valueArray[33] Glyph 36 is left-to-right.
82/2 0x0000 valueArray[34] Glyph 37 is left-to-right.
84/2 0x0000 valueArray[35] Glyph 38 is left-to-right.
86/2 0x0000 valueArray[36] Glyph 39 is left-to-right.
88/2 0x0000 valueArray[37] Glyph 40 is left-to-right.
90/2 0x0000 valueArray[38] Glyph 41 is left-to-right.
92/2 0x0000 valueArray[39] Glyph 42 is left-to-right.
94/2 0x0000 valueArray[40] Glyph 43 is left-to-right.
96/2 0x0000 valueArray[41] Glyph 44 is left-to-right.
98/2 0x0000 valueArray[42] Glyph 45 is left-to-right.
100/2 0x0000 valueArray[43] Glyph 46 is left-to-right.
102/2 0x0000 valueArray[44] Glyph 47 is left-to-right.
104/2 0x0000 valueArray[45] Glyph 48 is left-to-right.
106/2 0x0000 valueArray[46] Glyph 49 is left-to-right.
108/2 0x0000 valueArray[47] Glyph 50 is left-to-right.
110/2 0x0000 valueArray[48] Glyph 51 is left-to-right.
112/2 0x0000 valueArray[49] Glyph 52 is left-to-right.
114/2 0x0000 valueArray[50] Glyph 53 is left-to-right.
116/2 0x0000 valueArray[51] Glyph 54 is left-to-right.
118/2 0x0000 valueArray[52] Glyph 55 is left-to-right.
120/2 0x0000 valueArray[53] Glyph 56 is left-to-right.
122/2 0x0000 valueArray[54] Glyph 57 is left-to-right.
124/2 0x0000 valueArray[55] Glyph 58 is left-to-right.
126/2 0x0000 valueArray[56] Glyph 59 is left-to-right.
128/2 0x0000 valueArray[57] Glyph 60 is left-to-right.
130/2 0x0000 valueArray[58] Glyph 61 is left-to-right.
132/2 0x120B valueArray[59] Glyph 62 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of +2.
134/2 0x000B valueArray[60] Glyph 63 is other neutral.
136/2 0x1E0B valueArray[61] Glyph 64 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of -2.
138/2 0x0000 valueArray[62] Glyph 65 is left-to-right.
140/2 0x0000 valueArray[63] Glyph 66 is left-to-right.
142/2 0x0000 valueArray[64] Glyph 67 is left-to-right.
144/2 0x0000 valueArray[65] Glyph 68 is left-to-right.
146/2 0x0000 valueArray[66] Glyph 69 is left-to-right.
148/2 0x0000 valueArray[67] Glyph 70 is left-to-right.
150/2 0x0000 valueArray[68] Glyph 71 is left-to-right.
152/2 0x0000 valueArray[69] Glyph 72 is left-to-right.
154/2 0x0000 valueArray[70] Glyph 73 is left-to-right.
156/2 0x0000 valueArray[71] Glyph 74 is left-to-right.
158/2 0x0000 valueArray[72] Glyph 75 is left-to-right.
160/2 0x0000 valueArray[73] Glyph 76 is left-to-right.
162/2 0x0000 valueArray[74] Glyph 77 is left-to-right.
164/2 0x0000 valueArray[75] Glyph 78 is left-to-right.
166/2 0x0000 valueArray[76] Glyph 79 is left-to-right.
168/2 0x0000 valueArray[77] Glyph 80 is left-to-right.
170/2 0x0000 valueArray[78] Glyph 81 is left-to-right.
172/2 0x0000 valueArray[79] Glyph 82 is left-to-right.
174/2 0x0000 valueArray[80] Glyph 83 is left-to-right.
176/2 0x0000 valueArray[81] Glyph 84 is left-to-right.
178/2 0x0000 valueArray[82] Glyph 85 is left-to-right.
180/2 0x0000 valueArray[83] Glyph 86 is left-to-right.
182/2 0x0000 valueArray[84] Glyph 87 is left-to-right.
184/2 0x0000 valueArray[85] Glyph 88 is left-to-right.
186/2 0x0000 valueArray[86] Glyph 89 is left-to-right.
188/2 0x0000 valueArray[87] Glyph 90 is left-to-right.
190/2 0x0000 valueArray[88] Glyph 91 is left-to-right.
192/2 0x0000 valueArray[89] Glyph 92 is left-to-right.
194/2 0x0000 valueArray[90] Glyph 93 is left-to-right.
196/2 0x120B valueArray[91] Glyph 94 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of +2.
198/2 0x000B valueArray[92] Glyph 95 is other neutral.
200/2 0x1E0B valueArray[93] Glyph 96 is other neutral, and has a bracketing glyph at an offset of -2.
202/2 0x000B valueArray[94] Glyph 97 is other neutral.

Mac OS-specific information

This table is used in the Mac OS with Quickdraw GX to determine the properties of glyphs in a font. Note that Quickdraw GX only understands version 1.0 property tables.

ATSUI currently derives directionality and related property information solely from the Unicode properties database. Other properties are derived from the Glyph Properties Table; Apple's current plans future versions of ATSUI allow for the basic Unicode property information to be optionally overriden by information from the Glyph Properties Table.

The Glyph Properties Table is not used by QuickDraw Text.

Newton-specific information

This table is not used by the Newton OS.


The Glyph Properties Table sites glyph indices, which must not exceed the glyph index limits found in the maximum profile table.


The 'prop' table can be edited using TrueEdit. If the font's glyph repertoire is correctly described in its 'post' table, you may also use the AAT Font Tool to automatically add a glyph properties table to a font. Both of these tools are available on the Apple Font Tools page.

Change Log

4 March 1999
Fixed some problems with graphics and tables. Updated with Newton and Mac OS-specific information, &c.
30 September 1996
Switched to use the <TABLE> tag.
28 April 1995
Initial conversion to HTML format.
The Apple Font Team (

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