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3.8 Groups and paths


In VRR , you can also work with groups. A group is a set of graphic objects which behaves as one object from outside. It is selected or transformed as a whole, or you can open a View on it and manipulate its contents individually.

The group structure of a page is hierarchical: a group can contain multiple groups and/or individual graphic objects in it. To gather objects in a group, select them and choose “Group/Group selected”. To break a group and make the objects independent again, choose “Group/Ungroup”. In the Universe browser window you can see the group hierarchy. To open a View for a group, use the “Group/Open in new view” command. When viewing the contents of a group, the contents objects of superior groups become invisible and you can only see the contents of the group and its subgroups.

The z-order

The main purpose of groups is to make your image structured. The objects inside each group have a certain order; new objects are placed on top. This order is called the z-order and can be edited using the “Edit/Move up”, “Edit/Move down”, “Edit/Move to front”, “Edit/Move to back” commands or the U, D, Shift + U, Shift + D keyboard shortcuts, respectively. In a superior group, the group moved in the z-order as a whole. By grouping some objects, you group them together in the z-order as well.


A special case of a group is a path. In addition to the features of groups, a path has its own style properties which are used for all its contents. Thus, if you have, for example, a path with blue stroke-color, all lines are drawn in blue regardless of the colors of the individual lines. Moreover, a path can be filled – the fill-color property controls the fill color of the entire path.

To create a path, switch the path mode on by clicking the icon sshots/path_on.png

“Path mode on/off” in the View toolbar. You can see that some of the icons become disabled as not all graphic objects can be contained in a path. You can now create segments, Bézier curves and arcs. Start with a first one and then continue; each object sticks to the end point of the previous one automatically, because the path must be continuous. When finished, you can either end the path with the sshots/path_end.png command or with the sshots/path_end_close.png

command. The latter one completes the path with an enclosing segment. In both cases, you can continue creating another path or switch the path mode off by clicking the sshots/path_on.png icon again.

See Groups and Paths for more detailed description.