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6.16 Miscellaneous functions

A constant for the root of the n-hierarchy.

(lookup name)
string -> go + obj + false
Returns an obj or GO which has the property name set to name (or false if no such object exists).

(load-doc filename)
string -> document
Loads a document from file filename.

(save-doc doc filename)
document string -> unspecified
Saves the document doc to file filename.

(save-as-ps doc filename pw ph fit-to-page without-fonts)
document string real real boolean boolean -> unspecified
Exports the document doc as PostScript to the file filename. The page dimensions are pw, ph or computed if fit-to-page is set. without-fonts says whether fonts should be stored in the PostSript file, too.

(save-as-eps page filename without-fonts)
page string boolean -> unspecified
Exports the page page as an Encapsulated Postscript to file filename. without-fonts says whether fonts should be stored in the EPS file, too.

(save-as-pdf doc filename without-fonts)
document string boolean -> unspecified
Exports the document doc as PDF to file filename. without-fonts says whether fonts should be stored in the PDF file, too.

(save-as-svg page filename)
page string -> unspecified
Exports the page page as SVG to file filename.

(plugin-call id arg1 ...)
number any ... -> any
Calls a plugin function identified by the ID id.

(load-plugin filename)
string -> unspecified
Loads the plugin filename.