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6.12 Transformational functions

Functions in this section are used to apply various transformations on selected objects. These functions accept a group argument and transformations are only applied to selected g-children of the chosen group (because to their descendants the application is implicit - transforming a group means transforming all its children).

The second part of this section (functions with the -active suffix) is analogic to first part, but the group argument is missing, because it is taken from the active group (the group of the active view), as returned by (active-group). Because this concept exists only with the GUI, these functions are not accessible in the command-line variant of VRR .

General transformations

(move-selected grp x y)
group real real -> unspecified

Moves the appropriate GOs by x in the X axis and y in the Y axis.

(rotate-selected grp cx cy angle)
group real real real -> unspecified

Rotates the appropriate GOs by the angle angle. The center of the rotation is <cx, cy>.

(scale-selected grp cx cy sx sy)
group real real real real -> unspecified

Scales the appropriate GOs by sx in the X axis and sy in the Y axis. The center of the scale is <cx, cy>.

(skew-selected grp f1x f1y f2x f2y fx fy tx ty)
group real real real real real real real real -> unspecified

Skews the appropriate GOs in a such way that the line of the skew is (<f1x, f1y>, <f2x, f2y>) (everything on that line is not affected by the skew) and the point <fx. fy> is transformed to <tx, ty>.

(transform-selected grp a b c d e f)
group real real real real real real -> unspecified

Transforms the appropriate GOs by the transformation matrix


(remove-selected grp)
group -> unspecified

Removes the appropriate GOs.

(copy-selected src-grp dst-grp)
group group -> unspecified

Copies the appropriate GOs to dst-grp.

Transformations in active view

(move-active x y)
real real -> unspecified

(rotate-active angle)
real real -> unspecified
The center of the rotation is in the center of the view.

(scale-active sx sy)
real real -> unspecified
The center of the scale is in the center of the view, but the axes of the scale are not altered by the rotation of the view.

(skew-active f1x f1y f2x f2y fx fy tx ty)
real real real real real real real real -> unspecified

(transform-active a b c d e f)
real real real real real real -> unspecified

-> unspecified

(copy-active dst-grp)
group -> unspecified

-> unspecified
Copies the appropriate GOs to same the group.