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6.2.1 The object hierarchy

Like the rest of VRR source code, the kernel is written in pure C according to the C99 standard. Nevertheless, the kernel emulates an object hierarchy for basic kernel objects. The hierarchy looks as follows:

To enable typecasts, the derived object structure always begins with the contents of the ancestor structure. These are the contents of the root object type whose meaning is then described in more detail:

     struct o
         u8 kind;
         u8 type;
         u8 subtype;
         u8 _dummy;
         uns ref_count;
         struct slist prop;
         uns flags;

In the following image, you can see an example of the hierarchy of user objects hierarchy. The root of the user object hierarchy is a special object obj_universe.

An example of the universe structure.

Object kind

The object kind specifies if the object is a non-graphic object (T_OBJ) or a graphic one (T_GO). The graphic and non-graphic objects have very little in common. Non-graphic objects do not have any graphic nor geometric meaning, their purpose is to represent documents and pages in the object structure, and some internal special entities, too.

Object type

For graphic objects, the type specifies the basic object type, like point, segment, intersection, etc. Different object types have different data structures and a completely different geometric behaviour. Objects with the same type have the same hangers.

Non-graphic objects have no subtypes and are distinguished by their type only. The possible values are:

Graphic object subtype

The graphic object subtype determines the geometric behaviour of an object more precisely. Objects with the same type have the same set of hangers (the “geometric output”), but they differ in anchors (the “geometric input”). For example, an elliptic arc can be determined by two foci and a point, or by three points on its perimeter plus rotation and eccentricity; that is specified by the subtype.

Reference count

To minimize the efforts needed for correct data deallocation, we have implemented reference counting of objects. If any data structure needs to store a pointer to an object, it should increment its reference count and decrement again to release the pointer. When the reference count of an object becomes zero, the object is destroyed.

Objects with non-zero reference count which are not linked in the universe are stored in the zombie and can be resurrected again (for example, by linking them via undo).

Property list

The objects store various data of various types and various meaning:

All these data can be accessed using an uniform kernel interface. Some of the properties are just regular data structure members, while the others are virtual with read and write callbacks which can cause complex recomputations.