The 'just' table

General table information


Thejustification table (tag name: 'just') allows you to design your AAT fonts to accommodate special justification functions. Justification is the process of typographically stretching or shrinking a line of text to fit within a given height or width. A line of text is a collection of glyphs and each glyph on the line is associated with left and right (or top and bottom) width delta factors, a justification class, and a justification priority.

There are many different options you can choose to control justification of text in your font, including the following:

Thewidth delta factorsare fractional measurements by which the glyph can expand or contract on each side. (For some scripts, the sides of a glyph are on the left and right; for others, they are the top and bottom.) You determine the width delta factors as a distance, measured in points, relative to a one point glyph. In order to calculate the value of the width delta factor for the glyph at a larger point size, multiply this distance by that point size. For example, a width delta factor value of 2.5 for the right-side grow factor means that 2.5 points of white space may be added to the right side of the glyph at size one point. For example, if a 12-point glyph had a right-side growth width delta factor of 2.5, 30 points of white space could be added to the right side of the glyph. Some glyphs are also designated asunlimited, meaning they take up all available gap on a line. For example, if you never want interglyph spacing added, then the whitespace glyph or glyphs can be designated as unlimited.

Thejustification classallows the set of width delta factors used with a glyph to vary at different places on the line. For example, a glyph may exhibit different behavior according to whether it occurred at the beginning or end of a word. Allowing glyphs to have different width delta factors at different places on a line or in a word is especially important in non-roman languages such as Arabic. You include a justification class state table in order to assign the appropriate justification class to the glyph.

Thejustification priorityidentifies the stage at which a glyph starts to participate in the justification process. The four priorities are:

The justification table stores justification information for the glyphs of your font and for the font as a whole. You can store both horizontal and vertical adjustments or adjustments for one direction.

Justification Table Format

The justification table is shown in Figure 4-1. The table begins with an overall table header that points to the separate horizontal and vertical justification headers. Each of these headers points to the subtables that contain the information needed in order to justify the font in either the horizontal or vertical direction.

Figure 4-1 The justification table

The top level of the justification table has the version number of the table, the format number of the justification table, and the offsets to the horizontal and vertical justification tables. The top-level format of the justification table is shown in Table 4-1.

Fixed version Version number of the justification table (0x00010000 for the current version).
UInt16 format Format of the justification table (set to 0).
UInt16 horizOffset Byte offset from the start of the justification table to the header for tables that contain justification information for horizontal text. If you are not including this information, store 0.
UInt16 vertOffset Byte offset from the start of the justification table to the header for tables that contain justification information for vertical text. If you are not including this information, store 0.

You can store separate tables for information about how your font handles horizontal justification as opposed to vertical justification. The horizOffset and vertOffset fields of the header point to direction-specific justification headers of type JustificationHeader. These direction-specific justification header contains offsets to tables that describe data your font needs during the justification process: justification class, the width delta factors of the font, and the postcompensation subtable, an optional table allows you to specify justification behavior that your font can display under specific circumstances. The format of the JustificationHeader is shown in the following table:

UInt16 justClassTableOffset Offset to the justification class state table.
UInt16 wdcTableOffset Offset from start of justification table to start of the subtable containing the width delta factors for the glyphs in your font.
UInt16 pcTableOffset Offset from start of justification table to start of postcompensation subtable (set to zero if none).
variable lookupTable Lookup table associating glyphs with width delta clusters. See the description of Width Delta Clusters table for details on how to interpret the lookup values.
variable widthDeltaClusters The width delta clusters table.
variable postcompTable The postcompensation subtable, if present in the font.

The Justification Class State Table

The justification class state table allows you to associate a glyph with a justification class that depends on the context of the glyph. The state table has the following format:

MorphSubtableHeader morphHeader Metamorphosis-style subtable header.
StateHeader stHeader The justification insertion state table header

For this state table, the entries in the entry subtable comprise only the newState field and the flags field; there are no values in the glyphOffsets array. The interpretation of the flags field for this state table are given in the following table:

Mask value
0x8000 setMark If set, make the current glyph the marked glyph.
0x4000 dontAdvance If set, don't advance to the next glyph before going to the new state.
0x3F80 markClass The justification class for the marked glyph if nonzero.
0x007F currentClass The justification class for the current glyph if nonzero.

The justification class is a 7-bit value that allows the set of factors used with that glyph to vary at different places on the line. As a line is being analyzed, each glyph is assigned a justification class given the glyph index and context. In this way, you can provide subtle differences in the justification behavior of the same glyph. For example, a lowercase 'e' at the end of a word can behave differently from one at the beginning or in the middle of the word. This justification class is then matched to a width delta record, which contains the limits of the glyph to grow and shrink.

If the justification class fields (markClass and currentClass) are non zero, they are used to set the justification class of the corresponding glyph. If the setMark flag is set, the position of the current glyph in the glyph array is remembered, making it the marked glyph.


The Width Delta Clusters Table

The width delta factors for justification classes are stored inwidth delta clusters. Each cluster contains a number ofwidth delta pairs. Each pair maps a justification class to awidth delta record, which contains information about the limits that you set on the ability of glyphs in that justification class to grow and shrink.

A lookup table is used to find the width delta cluster associated with a particular glyph. This is how to interpret the lookup value for each of the five lookup table formats:

0 Array of 16-bit offsets, one for each glyph in the font. Each offset is from the start of the Width Delta Clusters table to the particular width delta cluster for that glyph.
2 The value of each lookupSegment is a 16-bit offset from the start of the Width Delta Clusters table to the particular width delta cluster for the glyphs in that segment.
4 The value of each lookupSegment is a 16-bit offset from the start of the lookup table to an array of 16-bit offsets, one for each glyph in the segment. Each offset is from the start of the Width Delta Clusters table to the particular width delta clust
6 The value of each lookupSingle is a 16-bit offset from the start of the Width Delta Clusters table to the particular width delta cluster for that glyph.
8 The valueArray is an array of 16-bit offsets, one for each glyph in the trimmed array. Each offset is from the start of the Width Delta Clusters table to the particular width delta cluster for that glyph.

A width delta cluster, represented by a WidthDeltaCluster record, is a collection of one or more width delta pairs, sorted by the value of its justClass field, beginning at 0. The cluster must start on a longword boundary. The format of the width delta cluster is as follows:

UInt32 count Number of width delta pair records that follow.
WidthDeltaPair wdPairs The width delta pairs records

A width delta pair, represented by a WidthDeltaPair record, associates a justification class with a width delta record. The format of the width delta pair is as follows:

UInt32 justClass The justification class associated with the wdRecord field. Only 7 bits of this field are used. (The other bits are used as padding to guarantee longword alignment of the following record).
gxWidthDeltaRecord wdRecord The actual width delta record.

You use a width delta record (of type gxWidthDeltaRecord) to store information about the grow and shrink factors allotted to this class of glyphs. The record's format is as follows:

Fixed beforeGrowLimit The ratio by which the advance width of the glyph is permitted to grow on the left or top side.
Fixed beforeShrinkLimit The ratio by which the advance width of the glyph is permitted to shrink on the left or top side.
Fixed afterGrowLimit The ratio by which the advance width of the glyph is permitted to grow on the right or bottom side.
Fixed afterShrinkLimit The ratio by which the advance width of the glyph is at most permitted to shrink on the right or bottom side.
UInt16 growFlags Flags controlling the grow case.
UInt16 shrinkFlags Flags controlling the shrink case.

The growFlags and shrinkFlags bits mask values are as follows:

Mask value
0xE000 Reserved. You should set these bits to zero.
0x1000 The glyph can take unlimited gap. When this glyph participates in the justification process, it and any other glyphs on the line having this bit set absorb all the remaining gap.
0x0FF0 Reserved. You should set these bits to zero.
0x000F The justification priority of the glyph.

The justification priority of the glyph controls when this glyph enters into the justification process. The lower this value is, the earlier a glyph begins to participate. The justification priorities are described in this table:

0 Kashida priority. This is the highest priority during justification.
1 Whitespace priority. Any whitespace glyphs (as identified in the glyph properties table) will get this priority.
2 Inter-character priority. Give this to any remaining glyphs.
3 Null priority. You should set this priority for glyphs that only participate in justification after the above priorities. Normally all glyphs have one of the previous three values. If you don't want a glyph to participate in justification, and you don't want to set its factors to zero, you may instead assign it to the null priority.

The Postcompensation Subtable

You can specify alternate glyph behaviors under certain conditions. For instance, you can specify that ligatures should break into their component parts when too much space is being added to a justified line. These alternate behaviors are calledpostcompensation actionsand are stored in the postcompensation subtable. You can map one or several glyph indexes in your font to a single type of postcompensation action record. You do not have to map all glyph indexes to an action. The postcompensation subtable, which contains these actions, is optional in your font.

The format of the postcompensations table is as follows:

variable pcLookupTable Lookup table associating glyphs with postcompensation action records. See below for details on how to interpret the lookup values.
variable pcActionRecords Actions records whose offsets are contained in the previous lookup table.

A lookup table is used to find the postocmpensation action record associated with a particular glyph. Note that for this table a lookup value of 0 is interpreted as meaning that no postcompensation action should be performed for that glyph. This is how to interpret the lookup value for each of the 5 lookup table formats:

Lookup table format
0 Array of 16-bit offsets, one for each glyph in the font. Each offset is from the start of the Postcompensation lookup table to the particular postcompensation action record for that glyph.
2 The value of each lookupSegment is a 16-bit offset from the start of the Postcompensation lookup table to the particular postcompensation action record for the glyphs in that segment.
4 The value of each lookupSegment is a 16-bit offset from the start of the lookup table to an array of 16-bit offsets, one for each glyph in the segment. Each offset is from the start of the Postcompensation lookup table to the particular postcompensation action record for that glyph.
6 The value of each lookupSingle is a 16-bit offset from the start of the Postcompensation lookup table to the particular postcompensation action record for that glyph.
8 The valueArray is an array of 16-bit offsets, one for each glyph in the trimmed array. Each offset is from the start of the Postcompensation lookup table to the particular postcompensation action record for that glyph.

The PostcompensationAction record has the following format:

UInt32 actionCount Number of ActionSubrecord records in the following array.
ActionSubrecord actSubrecord[] Array of ActionSubrecord records.

An ActionSubrecord has the following format:

UInt16 actionClass The JustClass value associated with this ActionSubrecord.
UInt16 actionType The type of postcompensation action.
UInt32 actionLength Length of this ActionSubrecord record, which must be a multiple of 4.
variable actionData Data. The format of this data depends on the value of the actionType field.
variable padding Extra bytes, if needed, to guarantee that the length of this ActionSubrecord is a multiple of 4.

The following table shows the action types that are supported:

Action Type
0 Decomposition action.
1 Unconditional add glyph action.
2 Conditional add glyph action.
3 Stretch glyph action.
4 Ductile glyph action.
5 Repeated add glyph action.


Decomposition Action

Ligatures may be broken into their component pieces if the amount of extra interglyph space added by the justification process is too large. Thedistance factoris the ratio of growth you want with respect to the glyph at 1 point size. The amount of extra interglyph space is determined by the distance factor. For example, if the upper limit for growth at 0.5, then a 12-point ligature is decomposed if it has to add more than 6 points of whitespace.

The format of the actionData field of the ActionSubrecord record for this type of postcompensation action is given in the following table:

fixed lowerLimit If the distance factor is less than this value, then the ligature is decomposed.
fixed upperLimit If the distance factor is greater than this value, then the ligature is decomposed.
UInt16 order Numerical order in which this ligature will be decomposed; you may want infrequent ligatures to decompose before more frequent ones. The ligatures on the line of text will decompose in increasing value of this field.
UInt16 decomposedCount Number of 16-bit glyph indexes that follow; the ligature will be decomposed into these glyphs.
UInt16 glyphs[] Array of decomposed glyphs.


Unconditional Add Glyph Action

If the advance width of a glyph is growing, then a specified single glyph—such as a simple horizontal kashida—is added after this glyph and scales it linearly in the line direction in order to fill the gap.

The actionData portion of the ActionSubrecord has the following format for actionType value of 1:

UInt16 addGlyph Glyph that should be added if the distance factor is growing.

Conditional Add Glyph Action

An actionType of 2 is a conditional add glyph action. This action has two effects. First, as in the unconditional add glyph action, an extra glyph is added after the glyph (instead of whitespace) in the grow case. However, rather than always adding this extra glyph, a test is performed against a specified factor. If the amount of extra space to be added is less than this factor then this action is exactly like the unconditional add glyph action.

If, however, the amount of extra space added is greater than or equal to the factor, then in addition to adding the specified extra glyph, the original glyph itself is to be changed into a different glyph. As before, the extra added glyph is stretched by an appropriate factor. This is useful, for example, in Arabic, where certain letterforms that occur at the ends of words (for example, a final nun) change to special wider forms if much extra space is to be added to the line.

The format for the actionData portion of the ActionSubrecord for this actionType is as follows:

fixed substThreshhold Distance growth factor at which this glyph is replaced and the growth factor recalculated.
UInt16 addGlyph Glyph to be added as kashida. If this value is 0xFFFF, no extra glyph will be added. Note that generally when a glyph is added, justification will need to be redone.
UInt16 substGlyph Glyph to be substituted for this glyph if the growth factor equals or exceeds the value of substThreshhold.


Stretch Glyph Action

An actionType 3 is a stretch glyph action. No extra glyph is inserted; rather, a stretch factor is applied to an existing glyph instead of adding whitespace to it. For example, you could point to a hyphen as being a glyph that could stretch to take up all the white space in a line of text.

There is no actionData portion of the ActionSubrecord for actionType of 3; no data should be present.


Ductile Glyph Action

An actionType of 4 is a ductile glyph action. This causes the actual shape of the glyph to change by the use of a font variations mechanism. The actionData portion of the ActionSubrecord for actionType 4 is as follows:

UInt32 variationAxis The 4-byte tag identifying the ductile axis. This would normally be 0x64756374 ('duct'), but you may use any axis the font contains.
Fixed minimumLimit The lowest value for the ductility axis that still yields an acceptable appearance. Normally this will be 1.0.
Fixed noStretchValue This is the default value that corresponds to no change in appearance. Normally, this will be 1.0.
Fixed maximumLimit The highest value for the ductility axis that still yields an acceptable appearance.

Repeated Add Glyph Action

If the advance width of a glyph is growing, then a specified single glyph—such as a simple horizontal kashida—is added after this glyph. If necessary, it is added more than once in order to fill the gap.

The actionData portion of the ActionSubrecord has the following format for actionType value of 5:

UInt16 flags Currently unused; set to 0.
UInt16 glyph Glyph that should be added if the distance factor is growing.

Justification Table Examples

Example: Simple Justification Table

Consider a simple example of a Roman font containing the usual repertoire of glyphs. In this example, there is a set of justification factors for the space character, and a different set of factors for other characters. This is not a cursive font, so there are no glyphs of kashida priority. Also, no glyphs are handled specially, so the only justification class used is zero. For purposes of this example, imagine that glyph 2 is the space glyph, and glyphs 3 through 275 constitute the non-whitespace glyphs in the font. There is no postcompensation subtable in this justification table.

The justification table for this example font is as follows:

0/4 0x00010000 version Version number of the justification table in fixed- point format. Version is 1.0.
4/2 0 format The justification table format.
6/2 10 horizOffset Byte offset to start of horizontal JustificationHeader subtable.
8/2 0 vertOffset Byte offset to start of vertical JustificationHeader subtable. A value of 0 means there is no vertical subtable.
(The horizontal JustificationHeader starts here)
10/2 0 justClassTableOffset Byte offset to the justification class state table. A value of 0 means that every glyph has a justClass value of zero.
12/2 48 wdcTableOffset Byte offset to start of width delta clusters.
14/2 0 pcTableOffset Byte offset to the start of postcompensation subtable. A value of 0 means there is no postcompensation subtable.
(The lookup table starts here)
16/2 2 format Lookup table format 2 (segment single table format).
(The next 5 fields are the BinSrchHeader)
18/2 6 unitSize Size of a LookupSegment record (2 bytes for the starting glyph index, 2 bytes for the ending glyph index, and 2 bytes for the offset to the width delta cluster record).
20/2 2 nUnits Number of units of the preceding size to be searched.
22/2 12 searchRange The unitSize times the largest power of two that is less than or equal to nUnits.
24/2 1 entrySelector The log base 2 of the largest power of two less than or equal to nUnits.
26/2 0 rangeShift The unitSize times the difference of nUnits minus the largest power of two less than or equal to nUnits.
(The first LookupSegment starts here)
28/2 2 lastGlyph Ending glyph index in this first segment (space glyph).
30/2 2 firstGlyph Starting glyph index in this segment (space glyph).
32/2 0 value Byte offset from start of the table of WidthDeltaClusters records (offset 48) to the first WidthDeltaCluster record (also offset 48).
(The second LookupSegment starts here)
34/2 275 lastGlyph Ending glyph index in this second segment (non- whitespace).
36/2 3 firstGlyph Starting glyph index in this second segment (non- whitespace).
38/2 28 value Offset in bytes from the start of the table of WidthDeltaClusters records (offset 48) to the second WidthDeltaCluster record (offset 76).
(The last LookupSegment starts here)
40/2 0xFFFF lastGlyph Special value for the last glyph in the last lookup segment.
42/2 0xFFFF firstGlyph Special value for the first glyph in the last lookup segment.
44/2 0 value Byte offset from start of the table of WidthDeltaClusters records to this specific WidthDeltaCluster record.
46/2 0 padding Padding to guarantee that the WidthDeltaCluster table that follows this field starts on a longword boundary (multiple of 4).
(WidthDeltaCluster records start here)
48/4 1 count Number of justification classes and gxWidthDeltaRecord pairs that follow.
52/4 0 justClass The justification class is zero.
56/4 0x00008000 beforeGrowLimit The maximum number of ems that the glyph can grow on the left side is one-half em.
60/4 0xFFFFF500 beforeShrinklimit The number of ems that the glyph can shrink on the left side is roughly -0.043 em.
64/4 0x00008000 afterGrowLimit The maximum number of ems that the glyph can grow on the right side is one-half em.
68/4 0xFFFFF500 afterShrinkLimit The number of ems that the glyph can shrink on the right side is roughly -0.043 em.
72/2 0x0001 growFlags Whitespace priority.
74/2 0x0001 shrinkFlags Whitespace priority.
76/4 1 count Number of justification classes and gxWidthDeltaRecord pairs that follow.
80/4 0 justClass The justification class is zero.
84/4 0x00002500 beforeGrowLimit The maximum number of ems that the glyph can grow on the left side is roughly 0.14 em.
88/4 0xFFFFF500 beforeShrinklimit The number of ems that the glyph can shrink on the left side is roughly -0.043 em.
92/4 0x00002500 afterGrowLimit The maximum number of ems that the glyph can grow on the right side is roughly 0.14 em.
96/4 0xFFFFF500 afterShrinkLimit The number of ems that the glyph can shrink on the right side is roughly -0.043 em.
100/2 0x0002 growFlags Inter-character priority.
102/2 0x0002 shrinkFlags Inter-character priority.


Example: Complex Justification Table (with Postcompensation and Justification Class State Tables)

A more complex example is an Arabic font to which you want to add kashida capabilities. The kashida glyph that is used in this example is glyph number 226. This example also uses the following glyph assignments: 2 is whitespace, 3 to 225 are regular glyphs, and 226 is the kashida. For simplicity, this font uses a state table that assigns justification class 1 to the first glyph in each word (which, in this example, is actually the glyph on the left hand side of the word, instead of the right hand side), and justification class 0 to all other glyphs.

The lookup table for the postcompensation subtable doesn't need to list each separate glyph to which a kashida might be attached. By matching all glyphs, you can rely on the justClass value to filter out only those glyphs that the kashida action will affect.

Remember: the action occurs in three different places here:

  1. The kashida-capable glyph is contextually identified by the justification class table.
  2. The actual advance width stretch factors are specified as unlimited for the glyph with the kashida.
  3. Given these unlimited advance width growth factors, the postcompensation subtable catches these glyphs and adds kashidas of the appropriate width.

The following figure shows the justification table finite state machine for this example font. There are four states. They are 'start of text', 'start of line', 'saw a letter' and 'saw a space' states. Note that when the finite state machine is in the 'start of text', 'start of line', or 'saw a space' state and encounters a letter (assigned glyph Class 4), the glyph is converted to a glyph having justification Class 1.

The next figure shows the justification state table for this example font. The four states (rows) and five classes (columns) are shown. Each cell of the array contains the action (top) and the next state (bottom). The next state is bounded by brackets.

Note that the 'start of text,' 'start of line,' and 'saw a space' states are identical, since there is no distinction between these three states for this font. The following table summarizes the classes, class names, entry numbers, next states, and actions for these three states.

0 End of Text 1 Saw a letter No action.
1 Out of Bounds 2 Saw a space No action.
2 Deleted Glyph 1 Saw a letter No action.
3 End of Line 1 Saw a letter No action.
4 Letter 0 Saw a letter Current glyph is justification class 1.

The following table lists the classes, class names, entry numbers, next states, and actions for the 'saw a letter' state.

0 End of Text 1 Saw a letter No action.
1 Out of Bounds 2 Saw a space No action.
2 Deleted Glyph 1 Saw a letter No action.
3 End of Line 1 Saw a letter No action.
4 Letter 1 Saw a letter No action.

Here is the justification table (which is 444 bytes long) for this example font:

0/4 0x00010000 version Version number of the justification table, in fixed- point format
4/2 0 format The justification table format value.
6/2 10 horizOffset Byte offset to start of the horizontal JustificationHeader subtable
8/2 0 vertOffset Byte offset to start of the vertical JustificationHeader subtable. A value of 0 means there is no vertical subtable.
(The horizontal JustificationHeader subtable starts here)
10/2 168 justClassTableOffset Byte offset from start of the 'just' table to the start of the class state table.
12/2 48 wdcTableOffset Byte offset from start of the 'just' table to the start of the width delta clusters table.
14/2 128 pcTableOffset Byte offset from start of the 'just' table to the start of the postcompensation table.
(The lookup table mapping glyphs to WidthDeltaCluster table offsets starts here)
16/2 2 format Lookup table format 2 (segment single format).
18/2 6 unitSize Size of a LookupSegment record (2 bytes for the starting glyph index, 2 bytes for the ending glyph index, and 2 bytes for the offset to the width delta cluster record).
20/2 2 nUnits Number of units in the lookup table (one for whitespace, and one for both kashida and intercharacter glyphs, which are only distringuished by their justification class values).
22/2 12 searchRange The unitSize times the largest power of two that is less than or equal to nUnits.
24/2 1 entrySelector The log (base 2) of the largest power of two that is less than or equal to nUnits.
26/2 0 rangeShift The unitSize times the difference of nUnits minus the largest power of two that is less than or equal to nUnits.
(The first LookupSegment starts here)
28/2 2 lastGlyph Ending glyph index in this segment (index of the space glyph).
30/2 2 firstGlyph Starting glyph index in this segment (index of the space glyph).
32/2 0 value Offset from start of WidthDeltaClusters table to the cluster for this range of glyphs (i.e. the space glyph).
(The second LookupSegment starts here)
34/2 226 lastGlyph Ending glyph index in this segment.
36/2 3 firstGlyph Starting glyph index in this segment.
38/2 28 value Offset from start of WidthDeltaClusters table to the cluster for this range of glyphs (i.e. all the other glyphs).
(Special guardian LookupSegment always goes last)
40/2 0xFFFF lastGlyph Special guardian.
42/2 0xFFFF firstGlyph Special guardian.
44/2 0 value Special guardian.
(Pad to longword, since all subtables in the 'just' table must always be longword aligned)
46/2 0 (none) Padding.
(The first cluster of the WidthDeltaClusters table starts here)
48/4 1 count Number of <justification class, gxWidthDeltaRecord> pairs contained in this cluster.
(The first pair of the first cluster starts here)
52/4 0 justClass Use this pair for justClass 0.
56/4 0x00008000 beforeGrowLimit The most by which a glyph can grow on the left-hand side is 0.5 em.
60/4 0xFFFFF500 beforeShrinkLimit The most by which a glyph can shrink on the left-hand side is roughly 0.043 em. Note that shrink factors are always negative.
64/4 0x00008000 afterGrowLimit The most by which a glyph can grow on the right-hand side is 0.5 em.
68/4 0xFFFFF500 afterShrinkLimit The most by which a glyph can shrink on the right-hand side is roughly 0.043 em. Note that shrink factors are always negative.
72/2 0x0001 growFlags Grow-case priority is whitespace, with no other flags set.
74/2 0x0001 shrinkFlags Shrink-case priority is whitespace, with no other flags set.
(The second cluster of the WidthDeltaClusters table starts here)
76/4 2 count Number of <justification class, gxWidthDeltaRecord> pairs contained in this cluster.
(The first pair of the second cluster starts here)
80/4 0 justClass Use this pair for justClass 0.
84/4 0x00002500 beforeGrowLimit The most by which a glyph can grow on the left-hand side is roughly 0.14 em.
88/4 0xFFFFF500 beforeShrinklimit The most by which a glyph can shrink on the left-hand side is roughly 0.043 em. Note that shrink factors are always negative.
92/4 0x00002500 afterGrowLimit The most by which a glyph can grow on the right-hand side is roughly 0.14 em.
96/4 0xFFFFF500 afterShrinkLimit The most by which a glyph can shrink on the right-hand side is roughly 0.043 em. Note that shrink factors are always negative.
100/2 0x0002 growFlags Grow-case priority is intercharacter, with no other flags set.
102/2 0x0002 shrinkFlags Grow-case priority is intercharacter, with no other flags set.
(The second pair of the second cluster starts here)
104/4 1 justClass Use this pair for justClass 1.
108/4 0x00002500 beforeGrowLimit The most by which a glyph can grow on the left-hand side is roughly 0.14 em.
112/4 0xFFFFF500 beforeShrinklimit The most by which a glyph can shrink on the left-hand side is roughly 0.043 em. Note that shrink factors are always negative.
116/4 0x00002500 afterGrowLimit The most by which a glyph can grow on the right-hand side is roughly 0.14 em.
120/4 0xFFFFF500 afterShrinkLimit The most by which a glyph can shrink on the right-hand side is roughly 0.043 em. Note that shrink factors are always negative.
124/2 0x1000 growFlags Grow-case priority is kashida, and the unlimited flag is set.
126/2 0x0002 shrinkFlags Grow-case priority is intercharacter, with no other flags set.
(The postcompensation subtable starts here with the lookup table.
Note that we're already longword aligned, so no padding is needed)
128/2 2 format Lookup table format 2 (segment single format).
130/2 6 unitSize Size of a LookupSegment record (2 bytes for the starting glyph index, 2 bytes for the ending glyph index, and 2 bytes for the offset to the PostcompensationAction record).
132/2 1 nUnits Number of units of the preceding size to be searched.
134/2 6 searchRange The unitSize times the largest power of two that is less than or equal to nUnits.
136/2 0 entrySelector The log base 2 of the largest power of two less than or equal to nUnits.
138/2 0 rangeShift The unitSize times the difference of nUnits minus the largest power of two less than or equal to nUnits.
(The only LookupSegment starts here)
140/2 226 lastGlyph Ending glyph index in this first segment (non-whitespace glyphs).
142/2 2 firstGlyph Starting glyph index in this first segment (non-whitespace glyphs).
144/2 24 value Byte offset from start of the postcompensation table (offset 128) to the postcompensation action record for glyphs 2 through 226 (offset 152).
(Special guardian LookupSegment always goes last)
146/2 0xFFFF lastGlyph Special guardian.
148/2 0xFFFF firstGlyph Special guardian.
150/2 0 value Special guardian.
(The PostcompensationAction record starts here)
152/4 1 actionCount Number of ActionSubrecords that follow.
(The ActionSubrecord starts here)
156/2 1 actionClass The JustClass value associated with the following ActionSubrecord.
158/2 1 actionType The actionType is unconditional add glyph.
160/4 12 actionLength Length of this ActionSubrecord.
164/2 226 actionData The glyph to be added is the kashida glyph.
166/2 0 padding Padding to guarantee longword alignment (must be a multiple of 4).
(The justification class state table starts here with the metamorphosis subtable header)
168/2 276 length Length of this justification class state table (including this metamorphosis subtable header).
170/2 0 coverage Process glyphs in ascending order. The 0x4000 bit is the only one interpreted for the justification table.
172/4 0 subFeatureFlags Ignored for justification tables.
(The StateHeader starts here)
176/2 5 stateSize This reflects the four fixed classes (end of text, out of bounds and deleted glyph, and end of line) and one that we're adding (letter).
178/2 8 classTable Byte offset from the start of the state table header to the class table.
180/2 236 stateArray Byte offset from the start of the state table header to the state array.
182/2 256 entryTable Byte offset from the start of the state table header to the entry table.
184/2 3 firstGlyph Glyph index of the first glyph in the class table.
186/2 223 nGlyphs Count (takes us up through glyph 225).
188/223 0x040404... classarray[] 223 bytes each containing the value 4. This is the class for letters. Note that the whitespace glyph is not included in the range; that means it will get class 1. Class 1 is 'out of bounds.'
411/1 0x00 padding Padding to guarantee longword alignment (must be a multiple of 4).
412/5 1,2,1,1,0 state 0 'Start of text' state. For classes 'end of text,' 'deleted glyph,' and 'end of line' use entry #1. For class 'letter,' use entry #0. For class 'out of bounds' (i. e. space), use entry #2.
417/5 1,2,1,1,0 state 1 'Start of line' state. Same as 'start of text' state.
422/5 1,2,1,1,1 state 2 'Saw a letter' state. For all classes except 'out of bounds,' use entry #1. For class 'out of bounds' use entry #2.
427/5 1,2,1,1,0 state 3 'Saw a space' state. Same effect as 'start of text' state.
432/2 246 entry Offset to 'saw a letter' state.
434/2 0x0001 action Action is to set justification class of current glyph to 1.
436/2 246 entry Offset to 'saw a letter' state.
438/2 0 action No action is taken.
440/2 251 entry Offset to 'saw a letter' state.
442/2 0 action No action is taken.

Mac OS-specific information

The contents of the 'feat' table are ignored by QuickDraw Text but used by ATSUI and MLTE. The value of bits 0 through 30 of the featureFlags field is ignored in the Mac OS through Mac OS 9.0.4 and Mac OS X DP 4.

Newton-specific information

The 'just' table is not used by the Newton OS.


The 'just' table is is only used by ATSUI and not by QuickDraw Text.

Repeated Add Glyph Postcompensation Actions are only supported on Mac OS 8.6 and later. They are not supported by QuickDraw GX.


Hex editing of the 'just' table is possible using TrueEdit. No other tools currently allow editing of this table. Note, however, that the AAT Font Tool can be used to update its contents.

Change Log

12 June 2000
Added information on Repeated Add Glyph Postcompensation Actions.
30 September 1996
Switched to use <TABLE> tag.
25 April 1995
Initial conversion to HTML format.

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