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3.3 Basic actions

The right mouse button in the View opens a pop-up menu. All editing actions available in the View can also be found in the menu. We stress the most important of them:

Delete, Cut, Copy, Paste

All these basic actions work with the selected objects and have the usual keyboard shortcuts: Delete, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, respectively. After paste, the current selection is modified to contain exactly the pasted objects.

Undo and redo

Each page has its own undo history which is independent of undo histories of other pages. Therefore, you can undo and redo actions performed in a page without undoing or redoing any action in other pages, regardless of their global historical order.

Optional: There is also a global undo history which keeps track of actions not belonging to any page contents.

Save, load, export and import

All documents created in VRR can be saved or exported to a file in one of the several supported graphic formats. To save a document, use the “File/Save” menu item. The default format is the VRR native format – a lisp-like text file described in the VRR Programmer's Manual. The file can be loaded again using the “File/Open” menu item.

The export menu items can be found in the “Export” menu category. The available formats are:

VRR also allows importing pages from SVG and IPE5 native format. Choose a page into which you want the image to be imported. Then choose “Page/Import SVG” or “Page/Import IPE5” to import the image.

In SVG import, VRR supports basic graphic objects and their properties. It does not support groups, filters, gradients, triggers, aliases and cascade styles. IPE5 supports all features except for splines, patterns, colors and fills (we plan to improve it in future releases).